05 61 76 85 96 astrada.contact@gmail.com

Legal information about astrada, a L’Arbre à Voyages brand


2262 Route de Tarbes 31470 Fonsorbes, France

Telephone: +33 (0)5 61 76 85 96

Email: astrada.contact@gmail.com/ larbre.a.voyages@orange.fr

EURL with a capital of €7,500 – RC Toulouse 499 324 333 000 24 (Business registration number)

Intracommunity VAT: FR71 499 324 333

Financial guarantee: APST

Registration No. Atout France IMO3 1 1 1-00 18

HISCOX Professional Liability Insurance – RGPAPST/189 411


Website information

This site is published by *astrada, an Arbre à Voyages brand
The site can be accessed via the following url: https://astrada-occitanie.fr is operated in compliance with French legislation.
Publication address: 2262 Route de Tarbes 31470 Fonsorbes, France

Hosting information

This site is hosted by the company OVH: http://www.ovh.com

The domain name is hosted by the company OVH: http://www.ovh.com

OVH SAS with a capital of €10,069,020. RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045 (Business registration number)

Head office : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

Photo credits

Photo credits: Depositphotos, Tarn Tourisme, CDT 40, Pic du Midi, Toulouse atout