05 61 76 85 96 astrada.contact@gmail.com

General conditions of sale of Arbre à Voyages

astrada a L’Arbre à Voyages brand

2262 Route de Tarbes. 31470 Fonsorbes, France Tel +33 (0)561768596-

Email: astrada.info@gmail.com/ larbre.a.voyages@orange.fr

EURL with a capital of €7,500 – RC Toulouse 499 324 333 000 24 (Business registration number)

Intracommunity VAT No: FR71 499 324 333

Financial guarantee: APST

Registration No. Atout France IMO3 1 1 1-00 18 —

HISCOX Professional Liability Insurance – RGPAPST/189 411

Covid 19 situation:

Our service providers carry out all the necessary sanitary measures to ensure a safe, stress-free trip. In view of the current situation, our general terms and conditions of sale and cancellation conditions have been relaxed.

Please contact us for more information.


The combination of travel services offered to you is a package within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/2302 and Article L.211-2 II of the French Tourism Code. You will therefore benefit from all the rights granted by the European Union applicable to packages, as transposed in the French Tourism Code. L’Arbre à Voyages is responsible for the proper execution of the entire package. As required by law, in the event of insolvency of the travel agents, L’Arbre à Voyages has protection to refund your payments, and if transportation is included in the package, to ensure your repatriation.

The registration to one of our itineraries implies agreement with the general terms and conditions as well as to the particular conditions of sale


The reservation of a stay is only confirmed upon receipt of the reservation contract accompanied by the deposit as requested on the contract (as a general rule this is 30% of the total amount of the stay).

The balance of the stay must be paid before the departure date (unless otherwise agreed).

Failure to pay the balance on time may be considered to be a cancellation and will result in cancellation charges according to the schedule of charges within 30 days of departure.

PRICES: Our prices are calculated on the basis of the number of participants, as specified on the proposal and on the contract. A change in the number of participants, as well as any change in the itinerary, may lead to a change in prices.


For any total or partial cancellation of a stay, the following indemnity will be charged:

  • more than 60 days before the beginning of the stay: 30% to cover our expenses
  • between the 59th and the 30th day before departure: 40%
  • less than 29 days: 100%; – shortened stay: the cost of the entire stay is due.

    L’ARBRE A VOYAGES reserves the right to cancel any stay:

    • or for reasons of force majeure: in this case, all sums paid for the reservation will be refunded in full by L’ARBRE A VOYAGES, without any compensation being claimed on any grounds whatsoever. Possible replacement options can be discussed with the parties concerned.
    • or for failure to comply with one of the articles of this contract for the stay or for any previous stay, in which case the breach of contract is the fault of the person booking and not of L’ARBRE A VOYAGES, the cancellation fees indicated above will be charged.


    The dates of the stay are specified on the contract. The schedule, addresses of the accommodation and telephone contacts will be communicated to you approximately 3 weeks before the departure date. L’ARBRE A VOYAGES declines all responsibility in the event of theft or loss of objects or personal valuables during the stay. The group leader is obliged to communicate any non-conformity that he/she might notice during his/her stay.

    Information on the procedures for the amicable settlement of disputes: La Médiation du Tourisme et de Voyage (the Tourism and Travel Mediation service) http://www.mtv.travel.


    Other nationals should check with their consulate for the necessary documents. Under no circumstances will we be liable for any additional costs resulting from a traveller’s inability to produce the required documents.


    L’ARBRE A VOYAGES cannot be held responsible for any changes to the itinerary due to force majeure events such as: strikes, changes in timetables imposed by transport companies, political unrest, natural disasters. In the event of failure of one of our service providers, we undertake to provide equivalent services without this giving the right to compensation.

    INSURANCE L’ARBRE A VOYAGES offers you an optional cancellation insurance as well as a group cancellation insurance. (Details on request).


    L’Arbre à Voyages acknowledges and guarantees compliance with the legal and regulatory obligations incumbent on it in terms of the protection of personal data, and in particular those of the General (EU) Regulation on the protection of personal data 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (the “GDPR”) and of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms in the context of the use of nominative lists of participants in the stay.

    L’Arbre à Voyages undertakes to monitor any changes made to law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms as part of its compliance with GDPR.

    Consequently, ‘Arbre à Voyages undertakes to implement all necessary measures to ensure the protection, confidentiality and security of personal data by itself and its staff and in particular to:

    – process the personal data received only on the instructions of the group manager and for the sole purpose of performing its services under this Agreement;

    – not to disclose, transfer or make available to unauthorised third parties, for any reason whatsoever, the lists and associated personal data received.

    Additional information
    Coach transport regulations: Reminder of social legislation: 1 driver may drive 9 hours over a 14-hour period*. The 14-hour maximum working day may be exceeded if there has been a break of 9 consecutive hours. Continuous driving for a maximum of 4.5 hours followed by a break of at least 45 minutes (nighttime: 4 hours) (or several breaks of at least 15 minutes within 4.5 hours). *The length of the working day is defined as: the time period between the time of departure from the garage and return to the garage.
    Driver’s work week: 6 consecutive days followed by 1 mandatory rest day.

    Your safety:

    The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a “Travel advice” section with information sheets for each country. You can find all the information you need for your trip: security, transportation, entry and exit formalities, etc.
    In addition to its “Travel Advice” section, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has created “Ariane”, a portal that allows travellers to provide their personal details. This allows the ministry’s crisis centre and diplomatic representations to contact them in the event relief operations need to be organised. (In particular in the event of a serious political crisis or natural disaster in a given country).